Japanese Jouyou-kanji “下” means “Bottom”, “Beneath” or “Inferiority” etc.
Words |
Meanings |
下位(かい-ka i) |
Subordinate position, Lower rank, Lower level |
下院(かいん-ka i n) |
House of Representatives, Lower House |
下学(かがく-ka ga ku) |
Learning from basic things |
下学上達(かがくじょうたつ-ka ga ku jo u ta tsu) |
Beginning one’s studies with something familiar and gradually increasing the depth of learning |
下記(かき-ka ki) |
Mentioned below, Below-mentioned, The following |
下級(かきゅう-ka kyu u) |
Lower class, Lower grade, Inferiority, Lower status, Lower rank |
下愚(かぐ-ka gu) |
Very stupid (person), Great fool, Muggins, Tomfool, Sap, Saphead, Fool |
下弦(かげん-ka ge n) |
Lower chord, Bottom chord, Last quarter moon, Third quarter moon, Waning half-moon |
下降(かこう-ka ko u) |
Go down, Descend, Lowering, Drop, Diminution, Downturn |
下士(かし-ka shi) |
Noncommissioned officer, Enlisted officer, Noncom |
下肢(かし-ka shi) |
Lower limbs, Legs |
下賜(かし-ka shi) |
Imperial gift, Subsidization, Grant |
下乗(かじょう-ka jo u) |
① Hack, Inferior horse, Slow horse, ② Inferior person, Incapable person |
下乗(げじょう-ge jo u) |
Get down, Unhorse, Dismount, Get off |
下情(かじょう-ka jo u) |
Condition of the common people |
下人(かじん-ka ji n) |
Servant, Retainer, Subordinate, Subsidiary, Foot soldier |
下人(げにん-ge ni n) |
Low-rank person, Menial |
下層(かそう-ka so u) |
Substratum, Under layer |
下等(かとう-ka to u) |
Inferior, Vulgar, Low grade, Lower class |
下半(かはん-ka ha n) |
Lower half |
下婢(かひ-ka hi) |
Housemaid, Maidservant, Maid, Servant girl |
下付(かふ-ka fu) |
Subsidization, Grant |
下部(かぶ-ka bu) |
Beneath, Lower part, Substructure |
下風(かふう-ka fu u) |
Subordinate position, Lower position |
下僕(かぼく or げぼく-ka bo ku (or) ge bo ku) |
Manservant, Servant, Retainer |
下名(かめい-ka me i) |
Undermentioned name |
下命(かめい-ka me i) |
Order, Command |
下面(かめん-ka me n) |
Underside, Undersurface, Inferior surface |
下問(かもん-ka mo n) |
Emperor’s inquiry, To ask questions of one’s subordinates |
下略(かりゃく or げりゃく-ka rya ku (or) ge rya ku) |
Remaining text omitted (in quotation), Etc. |
下流(かりゅう-ka ryu u) |
① Downstream, Lower reaches of a river, ② Lower classes |
下僚(かりょう-ka ryo u) |
Subordinates, Petty officials, Inferiors |
下界(げかい-ge ka i) |
The earth, This world (as opposed to heaven) |
下戸(げこ-ge ko) |
Non-drinker, Someone who cannot drink |
下校(げこう-ge ko u) |
Leaving school (at the end of the day), Getting out of school, Coming home from school |
下向(げこう-ge ko u) |
① Going from the capital to the provinces, ② Returning after praying at a temple or shrine, ③ Coming down from a high place to a low place |
下獄(げごく-ge go ku) |
Being sent to prison |
下克上 or 下剋上(げこくじょう-ge ko ku jo u) |
Juniors dominating seniors, Inferiors overthrowing their superiors, Retainer supplanting his lord |
下根(げこん-ge ko n) |
Lower part of the root, Inferior root, Those who have low qualifications as recipients of teachings |
下座(げざ-ge za) |
① Coming down from one’s seat and prostrating oneself (to pay obeisance), ② Musicians’ box on the left side of the stage |
下座(しもざ-shi mo za) |
Lower seat, Seat at bottom of the table |
下剤(げざい-ge za i) |
Purgatives, Laxative, Cathartic |
下山(げざん-ge a n) |
Descending a mountain, Descent of a mountain |
下直(げじき-ge ji ki) |
Inexpensive, Cheap |
下車(げしゃ-ge sha) |
Alighting (from a train, bus etc), Getting off, Getting out (of a car) |
下宿(げしゅく-ge shu ku) |
Boardinghouse, Board and room |
下手人(げしゅにん-ge shu ni n) |
Murderer, Offender, Criminal |
下旬(げじゅん-ge ju n) |
The last ten days of a month, Last third of a month, 21st to the last day of a month |
下女(げじょ-ge jo) |
Maidservant, Housemaid, Maid |
下衆(げす-ge su) |
① Lowly person, Person of humble rank, Peasant, ② Vulgar person, Low-life, Boor |
下水(げすい-ge su i) |
Drainage, Ditch, Gutter, Sewerage, Wastewater, Raw sewage |
下賤(げせん-ge se n) |
Low birth, Humble origin |
下足(げそく-ge so ku) |
Footgear, Footwear |
下段(げだん-ge da n) |
① Lower tier, Lower step, Lower column, Lower berth, Bottom shelf, ② Low position (of a sword in kendo etc) |
下知(げち-ge chi) |
Command, Order |
下手物(げてもの-ge te mo no) |
Low-quality products, Strange thing, Strange combination, Odd thing, Gadget |
下男(げなん-ge na n) |
Male servant, Manservant |
下馬(げば-ge ba) |
Dismounting, Get down, Unhorse |
下馬評(げばひょう-ge ba hyo u) |
Common gossip, Rumor, Gossip, Speculation, Irresponsible criticism, Hearsay |
下卑る(げびる-ge bi ru) |
To become vulgar, To coarsen, To be vulgar, To have vulgar tastes |
下品(げひん-ge hi n) |
Vulgar, Indecent, Coarse, Crude |
下野(げや-ge ya) |
① Retirement from public office, ② Going into opposition, Losing power |
下野(しもつけ-shi mo tsu ke) |
① Japanese spirea (Spiraea Japonica), Meadowsweet, ② Shimotsuke (former province located in present-day Tochigi Prefecture) |
下落(げらく-ge ra ku) |
Depreciation, Decline, Fall, Slump |
下痢(げり-ge ri) |
Diarrhea, Loose bowel |
下郎(げろう-ge ro u) |
Servant, Menial, Retainer |
下枝(しずえ-shi zu e) |
Lower branches of a tree |
下請け(したうけ-shi ta u ke) |
Subcontract, Subcontractor, Subcontracting |
下絵(したえ-shi ta e) |
Rough sketch, Design, Draft, Rough drawing |
下書き(したがき-shi ta ga ki) |
Draughting, Draft, Rough copy |
下襲(したがさね-shi ta ga sa ne) |
Garment worn under the hanpi undergarment or hō robe in court ceremonial dress |
下草(したくさ-shi ta ku sa) |
Undergrowth, Weeds beneath a tree |
下検分(したけんぶん-shi ta ke n bu n) |
Preliminary inspection, Preliminary examination |
下心(したごころ-shi ta go ko ro) |
Secret intention, Ulterior motive |
下地(したじ-shi ta ji) |
① Groundwork, Foundation, ② Elementary knowledge, Grounding (in), ③ Undercoat, First coat |
下調べ(したしらべ-shi ta shi ra be) |
Preliminary investigation, Preliminary inquiry, Preparation (for a class), Going over one’s lessons (in advance), Studying ahead |
下相談(したそうだん-shi ta so u da n) |
Preliminary consultation, Arrangements |
下積み(したづみ-shi tra du mi) |
① Putting beneath other goods, Being at the bottom of the pile, ② Loser, Unsuccessful person, Nonstarter, Failure |
下履き(したばき-shi ta ba ki) |
Outdoor shoes |
下火(したび-shi ta bi) |
Burning low, Fire brought under control, Waning, Declining |
下町(したまち-shi ta ma chi) |
Downtown, Downtown area |
下見(したみ-shi ta mi) |
① Preliminary inspection, Having a look in advance, ② Preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes), ③ Siding (on a house), Clapboard, Weatherboard |
下目(しため-shi ta me) |
① Downward glance, Contemptuous look, ② Disdain |
下一段活用(しもいちおだんかつよう-shi mo i chi da n ka tsu yo u) |
Conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in “eru” |
下肥(しもごえ-shi mo go e) |
Night soil, mManure |
下手(しょもて-shi mo te) |
① Lower part, Foot, Lower direction, ② Left part of the stage (audience’s or camera’s POV), Stage right (actor’s POV) |
下手(したで or したて-shi ta de (or) shi ta te) |
① Humble position, Inferior, ② Underarm grip on opponent’s belt (Sumo) |
下手(へた-he ta) |
Unskillful, Poor, Imprudent, Untactful |
下二段活用(しもにだんかつよう-shi mo ni da n ka tsu yo u) |
Conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either “e” or “u” for every conjugation) |
下の句(しものく-shi mo no ku) |
Second half of a tanka |
下屋敷(しもやしき-shi mo ya shi ki) |
Daimyo’s residence on the outskirts of Edo, Daimyo villa |
下手の横好き(へたのよこずき-he ta no yo ko zu ki) |
Be crazy about something though the person is no good at it, Loving something but being very bad at it |
以下(いか-i ka) |
① Not greater, Less or equal, Not exceeding, Not more than, ② The following, The below-mentioned, The rest, Followed by |
階下(かいか-ka i ka) |
Lower floor, Downstairs |
閣下(かっか-ka kka) |
Your Excellency, His Excellency, Her Excellency |
貴下(きか-ki ka) |
You (used mainly in letters to address someone of equal or lower status) |
却下(きゃっか-kya kka) |
Rejection, Dismissal |
上下(じょうげ-jo u ge) |
Top and bottom, Up and down, High and low, Above and below, Upper and lower ends |
地下(ちか-chi ka) |
① Underground, Below the ground, ② World of the dead, The grave, ③ Secret, Illegal, In hiding, Underground (activities, movement etc) |
直下(ちょっか-cho kka) |
Directly under something, Just under something, Right under something |
天下(てんか-te n ka) |
① Whole country, The land, The realm, State, Empire, ② Administrative power |
殿下(でんか-de n ka) |
Your Highness, His Highness, Her Highness |
卑下(ひげ-hi ge) |
Self-abasement, Humility, Self-depreciation |
部下(ぶか-bu ka) |
Subordinate |
陛下(へいか-he i ka) |
Your Majesty, His Majesty, Her Majesty |
目下(もっか-mo kka) |
Currently, Presently, Now, At present |
目下(めした-me shi ta) |
Subordinate, Inferior, Junior |
門下(もんか-mo n ka) |
One’s pupil, One’s student, One’s follower |
廊下(ろうか-ro u ka) |
Corridor, Hallway, Passageway |