0131-Jouyou-kanji “下” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Below” or “Under” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “下”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “下” means “Bottom”, “Beneath” or “Inferiority” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "下"

Jouyou Kanji “下”

Jouyou Kanji "下" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “下” Stroke Order

Stroke # 3 Strokes
On-Yomi か(ka)
Kun-Yomi お(ろす)(o(rosu))
Meanings Under, Below, Inferior
Go down, Step back, Descend
Issue (a command), Give (orders)
Execute, Enforce, Carry out

Kanji words which contain Kanji “下”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
下位(かい-ka i) Subordinate position, Lower rank, Lower level
下院(かいん-ka i n) House of Representatives, Lower House
下学(かがく-ka ga ku) Learning from basic things
下学上達(かがくじょうたつ-ka ga ku jo u ta tsu) Beginning one’s studies with something familiar and gradually increasing the depth of learning
下記(かき-ka ki) Mentioned below, Below-mentioned, The following
下級(かきゅう-ka kyu u) Lower class, Lower grade, Inferiority, Lower status, Lower rank
下愚(かぐ-ka gu) Very stupid (person), Great fool, Muggins, Tomfool, Sap, Saphead, Fool
下弦(かげん-ka ge n) Lower chord, Bottom chord, Last quarter moon, Third quarter moon, Waning half-moon
下降(かこう-ka ko u) Go down, Descend, Lowering, Drop, Diminution, Downturn
下士(かし-ka shi) Noncommissioned officer, Enlisted officer, Noncom
下肢(かし-ka shi) Lower limbs, Legs
下賜(かし-ka shi) Imperial gift, Subsidization, Grant
下乗(かじょう-ka jo u) ① Hack, Inferior horse, Slow horse, ② Inferior person, Incapable person
下乗(げじょう-ge jo u) Get down, Unhorse, Dismount, Get off
下情(かじょう-ka jo u) Condition of the common people
下人(かじん-ka ji n) Servant, Retainer, Subordinate, Subsidiary, Foot soldier
下人(げにん-ge ni n) Low-rank person, Menial
下層(かそう-ka so u) Substratum, Under layer
下等(かとう-ka to u) Inferior, Vulgar, Low grade, Lower class
下半(かはん-ka ha n) Lower half
下婢(かひ-ka hi) Housemaid, Maidservant, Maid, Servant girl
下付(かふ-ka fu) Subsidization, Grant
下部(かぶ-ka bu) Beneath, Lower part, Substructure
下風(かふう-ka fu u) Subordinate position, Lower position
下僕(かぼく or げぼく-ka bo ku (or) ge bo ku) Manservant, Servant, Retainer
下名(かめい-ka me i) Undermentioned name
下命(かめい-ka me i) Order, Command
下面(かめん-ka me n) Underside, Undersurface, Inferior surface
下問(かもん-ka mo n) Emperor’s inquiry, To ask questions of one’s subordinates
下略(かりゃく or げりゃく-ka rya ku (or) ge rya ku) Remaining text omitted (in quotation), Etc.
下流(かりゅう-ka ryu u) ① Downstream, Lower reaches of a river, ② Lower classes
下僚(かりょう-ka ryo u) Subordinates, Petty officials, Inferiors
下界(げかい-ge ka i) The earth, This world (as opposed to heaven)
下戸(げこ-ge ko) Non-drinker, Someone who cannot drink
下校(げこう-ge ko u) Leaving school (at the end of the day), Getting out of school, Coming home from school
下向(げこう-ge ko u) ① Going from the capital to the provinces, ② Returning after praying at a temple or shrine, ③ Coming down from a high place to a low place
下獄(げごく-ge go ku) Being sent to prison
下克上 or 下剋上(げこくじょう-ge ko ku jo u) Juniors dominating seniors, Inferiors overthrowing their superiors, Retainer supplanting his lord
下根(げこん-ge ko n) Lower part of the root, Inferior root, Those who have low qualifications as recipients of teachings
下座(げざ-ge za) ① Coming down from one’s seat and prostrating oneself (to pay obeisance), ② Musicians’ box on the left side of the stage
下座(しもざ-shi mo za) Lower seat, Seat at bottom of the table
下剤(げざい-ge za i) Purgatives, Laxative, Cathartic
下山(げざん-ge a n) Descending a mountain, Descent of a mountain
下直(げじき-ge ji ki) Inexpensive, Cheap
下車(げしゃ-ge sha) Alighting (from a train, bus etc), Getting off, Getting out (of a car)
下宿(げしゅく-ge shu ku) Boardinghouse, Board and room
下手人(げしゅにん-ge shu ni n) Murderer, Offender, Criminal
下旬(げじゅん-ge ju n) The last ten days of a month, Last third of a month, 21st to the last day of a month
下女(げじょ-ge jo) Maidservant, Housemaid, Maid
下衆(げす-ge su) ① Lowly person, Person of humble rank, Peasant, ② Vulgar person, Low-life, Boor
下水(げすい-ge su i) Drainage, Ditch, Gutter, Sewerage, Wastewater, Raw sewage
下賤(げせん-ge se n) Low birth, Humble origin
下足(げそく-ge so ku) Footgear, Footwear
下段(げだん-ge da n) ① Lower tier, Lower step, Lower column, Lower berth, Bottom shelf, ② Low position (of a sword in kendo etc)
下知(げち-ge chi) Command, Order
下手物(げてもの-ge te mo no) Low-quality products, Strange thing, Strange combination, Odd thing, Gadget
下男(げなん-ge na n) Male servant, Manservant
下馬(げば-ge ba) Dismounting, Get down, Unhorse
下馬評(げばひょう-ge ba hyo u) Common gossip, Rumor, Gossip, Speculation, Irresponsible criticism, Hearsay
下卑る(げびる-ge bi ru) To become vulgar, To coarsen, To be vulgar, To have vulgar tastes
下品(げひん-ge hi n) Vulgar, Indecent, Coarse, Crude
下野(げや-ge ya) ① Retirement from public office, ② Going into opposition, Losing power
下野(しもつけ-shi mo tsu ke) ① Japanese spirea (Spiraea Japonica), Meadowsweet, ② Shimotsuke (former province located in present-day Tochigi Prefecture)
下落(げらく-ge ra ku) Depreciation, Decline, Fall, Slump
下痢(げり-ge ri) Diarrhea, Loose bowel
下郎(げろう-ge ro u) Servant, Menial, Retainer
下枝(しずえ-shi zu e) Lower branches of a tree
下請け(したうけ-shi ta u ke) Subcontract, Subcontractor, Subcontracting
下絵(したえ-shi ta e) Rough sketch, Design, Draft, Rough drawing
下書き(したがき-shi ta ga ki) Draughting, Draft, Rough copy
下襲(したがさね-shi ta ga sa ne) Garment worn under the hanpi undergarment or hō robe in court ceremonial dress
下草(したくさ-shi ta ku sa) Undergrowth, Weeds beneath a tree
下検分(したけんぶん-shi ta ke n bu n) Preliminary inspection, Preliminary examination
下心(したごころ-shi ta go ko ro) Secret intention, Ulterior motive
下地(したじ-shi ta ji) ① Groundwork, Foundation, ② Elementary knowledge, Grounding (in), ③ Undercoat, First coat
下調べ(したしらべ-shi ta shi ra be) Preliminary investigation, Preliminary inquiry, Preparation (for a class), Going over one’s lessons (in advance), Studying ahead
下相談(したそうだん-shi ta so u da n) Preliminary consultation, Arrangements
下積み(したづみ-shi tra du mi) ① Putting beneath other goods, Being at the bottom of the pile, ② Loser, Unsuccessful person, Nonstarter, Failure
下履き(したばき-shi ta ba ki) Outdoor shoes
下火(したび-shi ta bi) Burning low, Fire brought under control, Waning, Declining
下町(したまち-shi ta ma chi) Downtown, Downtown area
下見(したみ-shi ta mi) ① Preliminary inspection, Having a look in advance, ② Preparatory read-through (e.g. of lesson notes), ③ Siding (on a house), Clapboard, Weatherboard
下目(しため-shi ta me) ① Downward glance, Contemptuous look, ② Disdain
下一段活用(しもいちおだんかつよう-shi mo i chi da n ka tsu yo u) Conjugation (inflection, declension) of ichidan verbs ending in “eru”
下肥(しもごえ-shi mo go e) Night soil, mManure
下手(しょもて-shi mo te) ① Lower part, Foot, Lower direction, ② Left part of the stage (audience’s or camera’s POV), Stage right (actor’s POV)
下手(したで or したて-shi ta de (or) shi ta te) ① Humble position, Inferior, ② Underarm grip on opponent’s belt (Sumo)
下手(へた-he ta) Unskillful, Poor, Imprudent, Untactful
下二段活用(しもにだんかつよう-shi mo ni da n ka tsu yo u) Conjugation (inflection, declension) of nidan verbs (resulting in a stem of either “e” or “u” for every conjugation)
下の句(しものく-shi mo no ku) Second half of a tanka
下屋敷(しもやしき-shi mo ya shi ki) Daimyo’s residence on the outskirts of Edo, Daimyo villa
下手の横好き(へたのよこずき-he ta no yo ko zu ki) Be crazy about something though the person is no good at it, Loving something but being very bad at it
以下(いか-i ka) ① Not greater, Less or equal, Not exceeding, Not more than, ② The following, The below-mentioned, The rest, Followed by
階下(かいか-ka i ka) Lower floor, Downstairs
閣下(かっか-ka kka) Your Excellency, His Excellency, Her Excellency
貴下(きか-ki ka) You (used mainly in letters to address someone of equal or lower status)
却下(きゃっか-kya kka) Rejection, Dismissal
上下(じょうげ-jo u ge) Top and bottom, Up and down, High and low, Above and below, Upper and lower ends
地下(ちか-chi ka) ① Underground, Below the ground, ② World of the dead, The grave, ③ Secret, Illegal, In hiding, Underground (activities, movement etc)
直下(ちょっか-cho kka) Directly under something, Just under something, Right under something
天下(てんか-te n ka) ① Whole country, The land, The realm, State, Empire, ② Administrative power
殿下(でんか-de n ka) Your Highness, His Highness, Her Highness
卑下(ひげ-hi ge) Self-abasement, Humility, Self-depreciation
部下(ぶか-bu ka) Subordinate
陛下(へいか-he i ka) Your Majesty, His Majesty, Her Majesty
目下(もっか-mo kka) Currently, Presently, Now, At present
目下(めした-me shi ta) Subordinate, Inferior, Junior
門下(もんか-mo n ka) One’s pupil, One’s student, One’s follower
廊下(ろうか-ro u ka) Corridor, Hallway, Passageway


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