0098-Jouyou-kanji “遠” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Distant” or “Far away” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “遠”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “遠” means “Keep away”, “Profound” or “Long time (before or after)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "遠"

Jouyou Kanji “遠”

Jouyou Kanji "遠" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “遠” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi えん(en)
Kun-Yomi とお((い)(too(i))
Meanings Far, Faraway
Become estranged, Keep away, Drive off
Neglect, Treat Coldly

Kanji words which contain Kanji “遠”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
遠因(えんいん-e n i n) Remote cause, Underlying cause, Indirect cause
遠泳(えんえい-e n e i) Long-distance swimming
遠海(えんかい-e n ka i) Open sea, Ocean
遠隔(えんかく-e n ka ku) Distant, Remote, Isolated, Farawayness
遠隔地(えんかくち-e n ka ku chi) Distant land, Remote area, Remote location
遠近(えんきん-e n ki n) Distance, Perspective, Far and near, Here and there
遠近法(えんきんほう-e n ki n ho u) Perspective
遠景(えんけい-e n ke i) Distant view, Vista, Background, Perspective
遠交近攻(えんこうきんこう-e n ko u ki n ko u) Policy of cultivating distant countries while working to conquer those nearby
遠国(えんごく or おんごく-e n go ku (or) o n go ku) ① Distant land, Remote country, ② Province far from the capital
遠視(えんし-e n shi) Farsightedness, Hyperopia, Long-sightedness
遠日点(えんじつてん-e n ji tsu te n) Aphelion
遠称(えんしょう-e n sho u) A demonstrative pronoun denoting a distant object, Distal pronoun
遠心(えんしん-e n shi n) Efferent, Centrifuge
遠心力(えんしんりょく-e n shi n ryo ku) Centrifugal force
遠征(えんせい-e n se i) ① Expedition, Military campaign, ② Tour (by a sports team, performer etc)
遠足(えんそく-e n so ku) (School) trip, Hiking, Outing, Excursion
遠孫(えんそん-e n so n) Distant descendants
遠大(えんだい-e n da i) Large-scale, Far-reaching, Far-sighted, Ambitious
遠島(えんとう-e n to u) ① Remote island, Distant island, ② Punishment by exile to a remote island
遠望(えんぼう-e n bo u) Distant view, Distant prospect
遠方(えんぽう-e n po u) Distant place, Distance, Far country, Long way
遠洋(えんよう-e n yo u) Ocean, Deep sea
遠来(えんらい-e n ra i) Coming from far away, Coming from afar
遠雷(えんらい-e n ra i) Distant thunder
遠慮(えんりょ-e n ryo) Reserved in manner, Modesty, Declination, Regrets
遠路(えんろ-e n ro) Long way, Great distance
遠忌(おんき or えんき-o n ki (or) e n ki) Anniversary of a death twelve or more years earlier
遠流(おんる-o n ru) Banishment (to a location far from the capital), Exile
遠浅(とおあさ-to o a sa) Shoal, Wide shallow beach, Shoaling beach
遠縁(とおえん-to o e n) Distant relation, Distant relative
遠出(とおで-to o de) Trip, Excursion, Outing
遠鳴り(とおなり-to o na ri) Distant peals (thunder),Distant roar (sea)
遠音(とおね-to o ne) Distant sound
遠退く(とおのく-to o no ku) ① To move off (into the distance), To become distant, To recede, To fade away, To die away, ② To drift away (from a person, activity etc), To distance oneself (from), To become less frequent (e.g. of visits), To fall away (e.g. of customers)
遠乗り(とおのり-to o no ri) Long ride
遠吠え(とおぼえ-to o bo e) ① (Distant) howling, ② Backbiting, Criticizing someone behind their back
遠巻き(とおまき-to o ma ki) Surrounding at a distance
遠回し(とおまわし-to o ma wa shi) Roundabout (e.g. expression), Indirect (reference, criticism etc), Oblique
遠回り(とおまわり-to o ma wa ri) Detour, Roundabout way
永遠(えいえん-e n e i) Eternity, Forever, Infinity
久遠(くおん-ku o n) Timeless existence, Eternity, Timelessness
敬遠(けいえん-ke i e n) ① Pretending to respect (someone) while in fact staying distant, Keeping at arm’s length, ② Giving the batter an “intentional walk” (baseball)
広遠(こうえん-ko u e n) Spacious, Wide, Broad
高遠(こうえん-ko u e n) Majestic, Proud, Gallant, Lofty
深遠(しんえん-shi n e n) Profound, Deep, Unfathomable, Esoteric
疎遠(そえん-so e n) Estrangement, Alienation, Neglecting to stay in contact
望遠(ぼうえん-bo u e n) Seeing at a distance, Telescopy
悠遠(ゆうえん-yu u ne n) Remoteness, Faraway


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