0072-Jouyou-kanji “栄” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Honor” or “Glory” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “栄”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “栄” means “Flourish”, “Thriving” or “Wealth and fame” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "栄"

Jouyou Kanji “栄”

Jouyou Kanji "栄" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “栄” Stroke Order

Stroke # 9 Strokes
On-Yomi えい(ei)
Kun-Yomi さか(える)(saka(eru))
Meanings Prosper, Glory, Thrive
Honor, Prestige
Brilliant, Glorious

Kanji words which contain Kanji “栄”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
栄位(えいい-e i i) Exalted position
栄華(えいが-e i ga) Prosperity, Splendor, Glory, Majesty, Luxury
栄冠(えいかん-e i ka n) Crown, Laurels, Pennant
栄枯(えいこ-e i ko) Rise and fall, Vicissitudes, Ups and downs
栄光(えいこう-e i ko u) Glory, Honor
栄爵(えいしゃく-e i sha ku) Peerage
栄職(えいしょく-e i sho ku) Honorable post, Honorable duty
栄辱(えいじょく-e i jo ku) Honor and/or shame
栄進(えいしん-e i shi n) Promotion, Preferment, Advancement
栄達(えいたつ-e i ta stu) Advancement, Distinction
栄典(えいてん-e i te n) Ceremony, Honors
栄転(えいてん-e i te n) Promotion, Advancement, Furtherance
栄名(えいめい-e i me i) Glory, Honor, Fame
栄誉(えいよ-e i yo) Honor, Glorification, Fame, Renown
栄養(えいよう-e i yo u) Nutrition, Nourishment
栄養価(えいようか-e i yo u ka) Nutritive value, Nutritional value
栄養失調(えいようしっちょう-e i yo u shi ccho u) Malnutrition, Trophic disorder
栄耀(えいよう-e i yo u) ① Successfulness, Prosperity, ② Luxuriousness, Sumptuousness, Opulence, Luxury
栄利(えいり-e i ri) Profit and honor, Wealth and fame
虚栄(きょえい-kyo e i) Vanity, Conceit, Conceitedness
光栄(こうえい-ko u e i) Honor, glory
清栄(せいえい-se i e i) Your health and prosperity
繁栄(はんえい-ha m e i) Prosperity, Thriving, Flourishing


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