0066-Jouyou-kanji “運” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Carry” or Transport”” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “運”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “運” means “Fate”, “Coincidence” or “Destiny” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "運"

Jouyou Kanji “運”

Jouyou Kanji "運" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “運” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi うん(un)
Kun-Yomi はこ(ぶ)(hako(bu))
Meanings Carry, Convey
Fate, Destiny
Turn round, Circulate

Kanji words which contain Kanji “運”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
運営(うんえい-u n e i) Operation, Management, Administration
運河(うんが-u n ga) Canal, Waterway
運気(うんき-u n ki) Fortune, Fate, Destiny
運休(うんきゅう-u n kyu u) Suspension of operation, Stoppage of the service, Cancellation, Stoppage
運行(うんこう-u n ko u) Operation, Service, Running
運航(うんこう-u n ko u) Operation (of a ship or aircraft route)
運座(うんざ-u n za) Poetic meeting, Poem competition
運算(うんざん-u n za n) Mathematical operation, Calculation
運掌(うんしょう-u n sho u) Easy thing to do, Easy thing like as (to move thing on one’s palm)
運針(うんしん-u n shi n) Handling of a needle
運勢(うんせい-u n se i) Fortune, Luck, One’s star
運送(うんそう-u n so u) Transportation, Shipping
運漕(うんそう-u n so u) Marine transportation, Sea freight, Shipping
運賃(うんちん-u n chi n) (Passenger) fare, Freight rates, Shipping expenses
運転(うんてん-u n te n) ① Operation (of a machine), ② Driving (a vehicle), ③ Use (of capital, funds etc)
運転手(うんてんしゅ-u n te n shu) Driver, Chauffeur, Operator
運動(うんどう-u n do u) ① Exercise, Physical training, Workout, Sports, Athletics, ② Appeal, Campaign, Drive, Crusade, Movement, Lobbying, ③ Motion, Movement
運動神経(うんどうしんけい-u n do u shi n ke i) Motor nerve, Motor neuron
運搬(うんぱん-u n pa n) Carriage, Conveyance, Transit, Transportation, Conveyance, Carriage
運筆(うんぴつ-u n pi tsu) The way one uses one’s brush (or pen etc), Brush strokes, Penmanship
運命(うんめい-u n me i) Destiny, Fate, Presumptive fate, Prospective fate
運命論(うんめいろん-u n me i ro n) Fatalism
運輸(うんゆ-u n yu) Transportation, Conveyance
運用(うんよう-u n yo u) Making use of, Application, Practical use, Effective management, Investment management
悪運(あくうん-a ku u n) Bad luck, Devil’s own luck, Ill luck, Misfortune, Dumb luck
海運(かいうん-ka i u n) Marine transportation, Shipping
開運(かいうん-ka i u n) Better fortune, Improvement of one’s fortune, Good times coming
家運(かうん-ka u n) Fortunes of a family
幸運(こううん-ko u u n) Good fortune, Good luck, Luckiness
国運(こくうん-ko ku u n) Destiny of a nation, Fate of a nation
社運(しゃうん-sha u n) Company fortunes, Future of a company
水運(すいうん-su i u n) Water transportation
衰運(すいうん-su i u n) Declining fortunes
盛運(せいうん-se i u n) Successfulness, Prosperity, Good fortune
世運(せうん-se u n) Destiny of the world, Course of events in the world
天運(てんうん-te n u n) ① Destiny, Fate, ② Fortune, Luck
悲運(ひうん-hi u n) Sad fate, Tragic doom, Ill fate, Misfortune
不運(ふうん-fu u n) Misfortune, Bad luck, Ill luck, Ill fortune
武運(ぶうん-bu u n) Fortunes of war
文運(ぶんうん-bu n u n) Cultural progress, Advance of the arts
陸運(りくうん-ri ku u n) Land transportation


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