0056-Jouyou-kanji “隠” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Hiding” or “To hide thing behind something” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “隠”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “隠” means “Reclusiveness”, “Seclusion” or “Hide in a place where no one can find” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "隠"

Jouyou Kanji “隠”

Jouyou Kanji "隠" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “隠” Stroke Order

Stroke # 14 Strokes
On-Yomi いん(in)
Kun-Yomi かく(す)(kaku(su))
Meanings Hide, Conceal, Cover
Pity, Mourn, Worry
Lean, Depend

Kanji words which contain Kanji “隠”, and their meanings


Words Meanings
隠逸(いんいつ-i n i tsu) Seclusion
隠花植物(いんかしょくぶつ-i n ka sho ku bu tsu) Cryptogam, Flowerless plant
隠居(いんきょ-i n kyo) Retirement, Retired person
隠君子(いんくんし-i n ku n shi) ① A man of modest worth, ② Chrysanthemum
隠見(or 隠顕)(いんけん-i n ke n) Appearance and disappearance
隠元(いんげん-i n ge n) Tepary bean, Kidney bean
隠語(いんご-i n go) Secret language, Argot, Cant, Jargon
隠士(いんし-i n shi) Hermite, Recluse
隠者(いんじゃ-i n ja) Hermit, Recluse
隠棲(いんせい-i n se i) Secluded life
隠然(いんぜん-i n ze n) Latent, Hidden, Secret, Behind the scenes
隠退(いんたい-i n ta i) Seclusion, Privateness, Privacy
隠退蔵(いんたいぞう-i n ta i zo u) To hide things without using
隠匿(いんとく-i n to ku) Concealment (esp. of wrongdoings or criminals), Sheltering, Harboring
隠徳 or 陰徳(いんとく-i n to ku) Good done by stealth, Secret charity
隠遁(いんとん-i n to n) Retirement (from the world), Seclusion
隠忍(いんにん-i n ni n) ① Patience, Endurance, ② Undercover ninja, Embedded ninja
隠微(いんび-i n bi) Obscurity, Mystery, Abstruseness
隠蔽(いんぺい-i n pe i) Concealment, Hiding, Covering up, Suppression
隠喩(いんゆ-i n yu) Metaphor
隠亡 or 隠坊(おんぼう-o n bo u) Cemetery guard, Crematorium worker
隠密(おんみつ-o n mi tsu) ① Secret, Clandestine, Covert, ② Spy (for a daimyo, shogun etc), Secret agent
隠し芸(かくしげい-ka ku shi ge i) One’s party piece, Parlor trick, Hidden talent
隠し事(かくしごと-ka ku shi go to) Secret
隠し立て(かくしだて-ka ku shi da te) Secrecy, Keeping secret
隠れ家(かくれが-ka ku re ga) Hiding place, Hideout, Refuge, Retreat, Hideaway
隠れ蓑(かくれみの-ka ku re mi no) Straw raincoat that makes one invisible, A cloak of invisibility
索隠(さくいん-sa ku i n) To search for hidden reason
雪隠(せついん or せっちん-se tsu i n (or) se cchi n) Toilet, Lavatory
惻隠(そくいん-so ku i n) Compassion, Pity
退隠(たいいん-ta i i n) Retirement (from an official position)


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