0046-Jouyou-kanji “引” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Pull” or “Discount” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “引”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “引” means “Pull”, “Coated” or “Off (price reduction)” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "引"

Jouyou Kanji “引”

Jouyou Kanji "引" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “引” Stroke Order

Stroke # 4 Strokes
On-Yomi いん(in)
Kun-Yomi ひ(く)(hiku)
Meanings Pull, Draw
Lead, Conduct
Subtract, Deduct
Withdraw, Take out
Retreat, Retirement

Kanji words which contain Kanji “引”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
引火(いんか-i n ka) Ignition, Catching fire
引見(いんけん-i n ke n) Audience, Interview
引証(いんしょう-i n sho u) Quotation, Citation
引水(いんすい-i n su i) Tailwater, Drawing water, Irrigation
引責(いんせき-i n se ki) Assumption of responsibility, Taking responsibility
引接(いんせつ-i n se tsu) Interview, Introduce, Acquaint, Present
引率(いんそつ-i n so tsu) Leading, Commanding, Guiding
引退(いんたい-i n ta i) Retirement, Withdrawal
引致(いんち-i n chi) To bring, Taking, Custody
引導(いんどう-i n do u) Requiem, Last rites
引喩(いんゆ-i n yu) Allusion
引用(いんよう-i n yo u) Quotation, Citation, Reference
引力(いんりょく-i n ryo ku) Attraction, Gravitation, Attractive force, Attracting force
引例(いんれい-i n re i) Quote, Citation, Quotation
引き網(ひきあみ-hi ki a mi) Drawnet, Seine, Trawl
引き替え or 引き換え(ひきかえ-hi ki ka e) Exchange, Conversion
引き菓子(ひきがし-hi ki ga shi) Ornamental gift cakes
引き金(ひきがね-hi ki ga ne) Trigger (of a gun etc), Trigger (for something), Immediate cause
引き算(ひきざん-hi ki za n) Subtraction
引き潮(ひきしお-hi ki shi o) Ebb tide, Falling tide
引き手(ひきて-hi ki te) Knob, Handle, Catch, Patron
引き出物(ひきでもの-hi ki de mo no) Gift, Souvenir
引き取り人(ひきとりにん-hi ki to ri ni n) Recipient, Receiver, Caretaker, Guarantor
引き幕(ひきまく-hi ki ma ku) Draw curtain, Stage curtain
引き窓(ひきまど-hi ki ma do) Skylight, Trap door
引き分け(ひきわけ-hi ki wa ke) Drawn match game, Tie game
引け時 or 退け時(ひけどき-hi ke do ki) Closing time
引け目(ひけめ-hi ke me) Inferiority complex, Sense of inferiority, One’s weak point
引っ込み思案(ひっこみじあん-hi kko mi ji a n) Self-effacing, Retiring, Reticent
延引(えんいん-e n i n) Delay, Procrastination
拘引(こういん-ko u i n) Arrest, Custody, Apprehending, Abduction
強引(ごういん-go u i n) Pushful, Pushy, Aggressive, Overbearing, Coercive
承引(しょういん-sho u i n) Consent, Acceptance, Agreement
綱引き(つなひき-tsu na hi ki) Tug of war, Forward puller
導引(どういん-do u i n) ① Guidance, Showing the way, ② Massage, ③ Tao yin, Taoist Neigong, Taoist exercises
水引き(みずひき-mi zuy hi ki) Red-(or black)and‐white paper string (for tying presents), Decorative Japanese cord made from twisted paper


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