“Deviate” or “Swerve” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “逸”
Japanese Jouyou-kanji “逸” means “To turn away”, “To bear off” or “To go astray” etc.

Jouyou Kanji “逸”

Jouyou Kanji “逸” Stroke Order
Stroke # | 11 Strokes |
On-Yomi | いつ(itsu) |
いち(ichi) | |
Kun-Yomi | うしな(う)(ushina(u)) |
すぐ(れる)(sugu(reru)) | |
そ(らす or れる)(so(rasu or reru)) | |
はぐ(れる)(hagu(reru)) | |
はし(る)(hashi(ru)) | |
はや(る)(haya(ru)) | |
Meanings | Let go, Set free, Elude, Evade |
Lose sight of, Miss, Get lose | |
Hide oneself | |
Superior, Excellent | |
Fault, Error | |
Exemption, Allow | |
Be impatient | |
Enjoy, Rejoice |
Kanji words which contain Kanji “逸”, and their meanings
Words | Meanings |
逸材(いつざい-i tsu za i) | A man of exceptional talent, Outstanding talent, Gifted person |
逸散(いっさん-i ssa n) | Dissipation, Fly-off |
逸事(いつじ-i tsu ji) | Unknown fact, Anecdote |
逸書(いっしょ-i ssho) | Lost book |
逸走(いっそう-i sso u) | Runaway, Escape, Flight, Running away |
逸足(いっそく-i sso ku) | ① Swiftness, Fleetness of foot, Swift horse, ② Outstanding talent, Person of great talent |
逸脱(いつだつ-i tsu da tsu) | Deviation, Derailment, Escape, Deviance |
逸品(いっぴん-i ppi n) | Excellent article, Gem, Fine item, Rare beauty, Masterpiece |
逸物(いちぶつ or いちもつ-i chi bi tsu (or) i chi mo tsu) | First-rate specimen, First-rate object, Superb item, Superb article, Excellent thing, Superb person, Excellent person |
逸文(いつぶん-i tsu bu n) | ① Lost work, Lost writings, ② Partially lost work, Literary fragment, Work that survives through quotations, ③ Work of a superior quality |
逸聞(いつぶん-i tsu bu n) | Something unheard of |
逸民(いつみん-i tsu mi n) | A man who has renounced the world, Retired person, Recluse |
逸遊(いつゆう-i tsu yu u) | (Idle pursuit of) pleasure |
逸楽(いつらく-i tsu ra ku) | (Idle pursuit of) pleasure, Indulgence, Self-indulgence |
逸話(いつわ-i tsu wa) | Anecdote |
逸を以て労を待つ(いつをもってろうをまつ-i tsu wo mo tte ro u wo ma tsu) | To wait for the enemy to tire at ease |
安逸(あんいつ-a n i tsu) | Idle ease, Indolence, Leisureliness |
隠逸(いんいつ-i n i tsu) | Seclusion, Recluse, Retirement, Privacy |
横逸(おういつ-o u i tsu) | Free, Unrestrained, To behave freely |
散逸(さんいつ-sa n i tsu) | Being scattered and ultimately lost, Dissipation |
秀逸(しゅういつ-shu u i tsu) | Excellent, Superb, First-rate, Brilliant |
卓逸(たくいつ-ta ku i tsu) | Preeminence, Excellence, Superiority |
逃逸(とういつ-to u i tsu) | Run away, Escape |
放逸(ほういつ-ho u i tsu) | Self-indulgence, Looseness, Dissoluteness |
奔逸(ほんいつ) | Scamper, Take to the woods, Run away, Scat, Escape |