0037-Jouyou-kanji “遺” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Things left behind” or “Misplace” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “遺”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “遺” means “Leave (thing) after death”, “Leave behind” or “Remain behind” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "遺"

Jouyou Kanji “遺”

Jouyou Kanji "遺" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “遺” Stroke Order

Stroke # 15 Strokes
On-Yomi い(i)
Kun-Yomi す(てる)(su(teru))
Meanings Throw away, Cast away
Bequeath, Leave behind
Make a slip, Mistake

Kanji words which contain Kanji “遺”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
遺愛(いあい-i a i) Bequest, Relic, Items that a deceased person loved while alive
遺詠(いえい-i ei) Posthumous song or poem, Unpublished poems written (composed) shortly before one’s death
遺影(いえい-i e i) Portrait of deceased person
遺戒 or 遺誡(いかい-i ka i) Instructions to one’s descendants, One’s last caution
遺骸(いがい-iga i) Dead body, Corpse, The remains
遺憾(いかん-i ka n) Regret, Shame, Lamentable
遺棄(いき-i ki) Abandonment, Desertion
遺業(いぎょう-i gyo u) Work left undone, Work left at death
遺訓(いくん-i ku n) Teachings (precepts) of a deceased person, Last instructions
遺薫(いくん-i ku n) Lingering scent
遺賢(いけん-i ke n) Able men left out of office
遺功(いこう-i ko u) Achievements left behind by the deceased
遺稿(いこう-i ko u) Posthumous manuscripts, Literary remains
遺骨(いこつ-i ko tsu) Cremated remains
遺恨(いこん-i ko n) Grudge, Hatred, Rancor
遺作(いさく-i sa ku) Posthumous works
遺産(いさん-i sa n) Inheritance, Bequest, Legacy, Heritage
遺子(いし-i shi) Orphan, Posthumous child
遺志(いし-i shi) Wishes of a deceased person, Intention of a deceased person
遺児(いじ-i ji) Orphan, Child left by the deceased
遺失(いしつ-i shi tsu) Loss
遺珠(いしゅ-i shu) Unknown literary masterpiece, Lost pearl
遺書(いしょ-i sho) Testament, Note left by a dead person, Suicide note, Testamentary letter
遺臣(いしん-i shi n) Surviving retainer
遺制(いせい-i se i) Old system that still remains
遺精(いせい-i se i) Oneirogmus, Nocturnal emission, Pollution, Wet dreams
遺跡 or 遺蹟(いせき-i se ki) Remains, Historic site, Histric relies
遺贈(いぞう-i zo u) Bequest, Testamentary gift
遺族(いぞく-i zo ku) Bereaved family, Surviving family, Family of the deceased
遺体(いたい-i ta i) Dead body, Corpse, The remains
遺沢(いたく-i ta ku) Benefits that will remain for posterity
遺脱(いだつ-i da tsu) Omission
遺著(いちょ-i cho) Posthumous work
遺伝(いでん-i de n) Heredity, Inheritance
遺徳(いとく-i to ku) Benefit from ancestors’ virtue, Posthumous influence
遺尿(いにょう-i nyo u) Enuresis, Bed wetting, Incontinentia
遺髪(いはつ-i ha tsu) Hair of the deceased, Hair of dead person
遺品(いひん-i hi n) Articles left by the deceased, Inherited item
遺風(いふう-i fu u) Old traditions and customs
遺物(いぶつ-i bu tsu) Relic, Remains, Memento
遺文(いぶん-i bu n) Literary remains
遺弊(いへい-i he i) Bad customs which remain
遺編(いへん-i he n) Book left behind by the deceased, Old texts or literature
遺芳(いほう-i ho u) Memory or autograph of deceased
遺墨(いぼく-i bo ku) Autographs (brushwork) of departed person
遺民(いみん-i mi n) Survivor
遺命(いめい-i me i) Instruction which was left by a dying person, Will, Dying instructions
遺留(いりゅう-i ryu u) Left behind, Leaving behind, Forgetting
遺漏(いろう-i ro u) Careless mistake, Omission
遺言(ゆいごん or いごん or いげん-yu i go n (or) i go n (or) i ge n) Testament, Will, Last request, Dying wish
拾遺(しゅうい-shu u i) To collect works, stories, etc that were not included in a certain book
補遺(ほい-ho i) Supplement, Addendum, Appendix


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