0014-Jouyou-kanji “暗” Stroke Order and Meanings

“Darkness” or “Gloomy” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “暗”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “暗” means “Recite”, “Secretly” or “Silly” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "暗"

Jouyou Kanji “暗”

Jouyou Kanji "暗" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “暗” Stroke Order

Stroke # 13 Strokes
On-Yomi あん(an)
Kun-Yomi くら(い)(kura(i))
Meanings Dark, Gloomy, Dim
Foolish, Silly

Kanji words which contain Kanji “暗”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
暗々裏(あんあんり-a n a n ri) Tacit, Implicit, Secret
暗鬱(あんうつ-a n u tsu) Dark and no hope
暗雲(あんうん-a n u n) Dark clouds
暗影(あんえい-a n e i) Gloom shadow
暗記(あんき-a n ki) Learning by heart
暗鬼(あんき-a n ki) ① Unclear demon which is in the darkness, ② Bugbear, Fear of uncertainty
暗渠(あんきょ-a n kyo) Culvert, Covered conduit, Underdrain, Buried drain
暗愚 or 闇愚(あんぐ-a n gu) Imbecility, Feeblemindedness
暗君(あんくん-a n ku n) Foolish ruler, Imbecile lord
暗香(あんこう-a n ko u) Scent of a flower floating about in the air, Lingering scent of a flower in the darkness
暗合(あんごう-a n go u) Coincidence, Happenstance
暗号(あんごう-a n go u) Cryptography, Cipher, Cypher, Code, Encryption
暗紅色(あんこうしょく-a n ko u sho ku) Dark red
暗黒 or 闇黒(あんこく-a n ko ku) Darkness
暗黒時代(あんこくじだい-a n ko ku ji da i) Dark ages, Black period
暗黒大陸(あんこくたいりく-a n ko ku ta i ri ku) Dark Continent
暗殺(あんさつ-a n sa tsu) Assassination
暗算(あんざん-a n za n) Mental arithmetic, Mental calculation
暗示(あんじ-a n ji) Suggestion, Reminder, Hint
暗紫色(あんししょく-a n shi sho ku) Deep purple, Dark violet
暗室(あんしつ-a n shi tsu) Darkroom, Photo darkroom
暗唱 or 暗誦(あんしょう-a n sho u) Recitation, Reciting from memory
暗礁(あんしょう-a n sho u) ① Sunken rock, Submerged rock, Reef, ② Unforeseen difficulty
暗色(あんしょく-a n sho ku) Dark color
暗然(あんぜん-a n ze n) ① Dark, Gloomy, Black, Unclear, ② Doleful, Discouraged, Disappointed, Tearful, Dispirited
暗澹(あんたん-a n ta n) Dark, Gloomy, Somber, Depressing
暗中飛躍(あんちゅうひやく-a n chu u hi ya ku) Behind-the-scenes maneuvering, Secret maneuvers
暗中模索 or 暗中摸索(あんちゅうもさく-a n chu u mo a ku) Grope in the dark, Exploring new avenues without having any clues
暗転(あんてん-a n te n) ① Theatrical blackout, ② Taking a (sudden) turn for the worse, Rapid deterioration
暗闘(あんとう-a n to u) Secret feud, Secret strife
暗箱(あんばこ-a n ba ko) Camera obscura
暗幕(あんまく-a n ma ku) Blackout curtain
暗黙(あんもく-a n mo ku) Tacit, Unspoken, Implicit
暗夜 or 闇夜(あんや-a n ya) Dark night
暗躍(あんやく-a n ya ku) Secret maneuvers, Operating behind the scenes
暗喩(あんゆ-a n yu) Metaphor
暗流(あんりゅう-a n ryu u) Undercurrent
暗涙(あんるい-a n ru i) Silent tears, Secret tears
暗闇(くらやみ-ku ra ya mi) Dimness, Dusk, Darkness
疑心暗鬼(ぎしんあんき-gi shi n a n ki) Suspicion begets fear, Suspicion will raise bogies
黒暗(こくあん-ko ku a n) Darkness, Blackness
明暗(めいあん-me i a n) Light and darkness, Light and shade
幽暗(ゆうあん-yu u a n) Gloom, Darkness, Seclusion
溶暗(ようあん-yo u a n) Fade out, Dissolve


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