“衣” Related Japanese Kanji Words and Images

衣類- Kanji for clothings

The Japanese kanji word “衣類 (いるい-irui)” means “clothings”. The word “衣類” covers most of the wearing products from under wears to cover wears, and from foot wears to gloves.

The Japanese kanji symbol “衣 (い-i or ころも-koromo)” (see my Jouyou kanji list) has meaning of clothing or cloths etc. Here are some Japanese kanji words in which the kanji character “衣” is contained.

衣食住 (いしょくじゅう-ishokujuu) means cloths (衣類), foods (食物-しょくもつ-shokumotsu) and homes (住居-じゅうきょ-juukyo). So we use this word for representing the basic necessary elements for human livings.

法衣 (ほうい-houi) means clerical lobes or gowns.

浴衣 (ゆかた-yukata) is a kind of Japanese Kimono (着物-きもの-kimono). We usually wear 浴衣 in summer season.


Kanji Stroke Order for 浴衣

Stroke Order for 浴衣

Stroke Order for 浴衣


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