The Japanese kanji character “胃 (い-i )” has meaning for “stomach”. Here are some Japanese kanji words in which the kanji character “胃” is used.
胃袋 (いぶくろ-ibukuro) means “stomach (same as 胃 itself)”. The kanji “袋 (ふくろ-fukuro)” has meaning of bag.
胃液 (いえき-ieki) means “gastric juice”. The kanji character “液 (えき-eki)” means liquid.
胃癌 (いがん-igan) means “stomach cancer”. The kanji character “癌 (がん-gan)” has meaning of cancer.
Here are some other 臓器 (ぞうき-zouki means organ) names in Japanese.
- Small intestine — 小腸 (しょうちょう-shouchou)
- Colon — 結腸 (けっちょう-kecchou)
- Rectum — 直腸 (ちょくちょう-chokuchou)
- Liver — 肝臓 (かんぞう-kanzou)
- Kidney — 腎臓 (じんぞう-jinzou)
- Bladder — 膀胱 (ぼうこう-boukou)
- Pancreas — 膵臓 (すいぞう-suizou)
- Gallbladder — 胆嚢 (たんのう-tannou)
- Heart — 心臓 (しんぞう-shinzou)
- Lung — 肺 (はい-hai)