The Japanese kanji character “為 (い-i)” has meaning for “to do (something)”. Here are some Japanese kanji words in which the kanji character “為” is used.
為政者 (いせいしゃ-iseisha) means “statesman”.
行為 (こうい-koui) means “action or behavior”. We use this word like the following example; 彼の行為はこの地域の規律違反だ (かれ の こうい は この ちいき の きりつ いはん だ-kare no koui ha kono chiiki no kititsu ihan da). The meaning of this sentence is “His acts offend the regulation of this area”.
作為 (さくい-sakui) means “artificiality”.
人為 (じんい-jini) means “human work”. The example of the usage of this word is; この災害は人為的災害だ (この さいがい は じんい てき さいがい だ-kono saigai ha jini teki saigai da). The meaning of this Japanese sentence is “This disaster was delivered by the human act”.