The Japanese kanji character “委 (い-i or ゆだ-yuda)” has meaning for “entrust” or “detail”. Here are some Japanese kanji words in which the kanji character “委” is included.
委任 (いにん-inin) means “entrustment”. We use this word like following example; 私はこの仕事を彼らから委任されて下ります。 (watashi ha kono shigoto wo karera kara inin sarete orimasu). The meaning of this Japanese sentence is; I’m entrusted this job from them.
委託 (いたく-itaku) means entrustment. The words “委託” and “依託” have almost same meaning.
委細 (いさい-isai) means “detail”.
委棄 (いき-iki) means “waiver”.