0129-Jouyou-kanji “温” Stroke Order and Meanings

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“Warm” or “Tepid” in Japanese kanji, and the Stroke Order and Meanings of Kanji “温”

Japanese Jouyou-kanji “温” means “Gentle”, “Temperature” or “Slow person” etc.

Jouyou Kanji "温"

Jouyou Kanji “温”

Jouyou Kanji "温" Stroke Order

Jouyou Kanji “温” Stroke Order

Stroke # 12 Strokes
On-Yomi おん(on)
Kun-Yomi あたた(かい)(atata(kai))
Meanings Warm, Mild, Warmth
Moderate, Gentle, Calm
Wrap, Cover
Ask, Learn, Review

Kanji words which contain Kanji “温”, and their meanings

Words Meanings
温雅(おんが-o n ga) Graceful, Mild and graceful, Temperate and elegant
温顔(おんがん-o n ga n) Genial look face, Calm countenance, Serene countenance
温灸(おんきゅう-o n kyu u) Onkyu electrical heat stimulation, Moxa cautery
温血動物(おんけつどうぶつ-o n ke tsu do u bu tsu) Warm‐blooded animal
温言(おんげん-o n ge n) Warming words, Kind words
温厚(おんこう-o n ko u) Gentle, Affable, Mild-mannered
温故知新(おんこちしん-o n ko chi shi n) Developing new ideas based on study of the past, Learning from the past, Carrying knowledge into new fields
温室(おんしつ-o n shi tsu) Greenhouse, Hothouse, Conservatory, Glasshouse
温室育ち(おんしつそだち-o n shi tsu so da chi) Sheltered upbringing, Person who has had a sheltered upbringing, Hothouse upbringing
温習(おんしゅう-o n shu u) Exercise, Practice, Drill, Review
温柔(おんじゅう-o n ju u) Soft and kind, Calm and kind
温順(おんじゅん-o n ju n) Docile, Obedient, Pliant, Compliant, Meek, Gentle, Submissive
温床(おんしょう-o n sho u) Hotbed, Breeding ground
温情(おんじょう-o n jo u) Warm heart, Kindliness, Goodwill
温情主義(おんじょうしゅぎ-o n jo u shu gi) Paternalism
温色(おんしょく-o n sho ku) ① Warm color, ② Calm countenance
温泉(おんせん-o n se n) Hot spring, Spa
温存(おんぞん-o n zo n) Preservation, Retainment, Keeping
温帯(おんたい-o n ta i) Temperate zone
温暖(おんだん-o n da n) Warm, Temperate climate, Mild weather
温暖前線(おんだんぜんせん-o n da n ze n se n) Warm front
温度(おんど-o n do) Temperature
温突(おんどる-o n do ru) Ondol (traditional Korean underfloor heating)
温容(おんよう-o n yo u) Kindly face
温浴(おんよく-o n yo ku) Warm bath, Hot bath
温良(おんりょう-o n ryo u) Gentle, Amiable
温良恭倹譲(おんりょうきょうけんじょう-o n ryo u kyo u ke n jo u) Cordial, obedient, respectful, modest and moderate
温和(おんわ-o n wa) Temperate, Kindliness, Mild, Moderation, Warm
気温(きおん-ki o n) Air temperature
検温(けんおん-ke n o n) Temperature measurement, Measurement of body temperature, Thermometry
高温(こうおん-ko u o n) High temperature, Hotness, Heat
体温(たいおん-ta i o n) Body temperature
低温(ていおん-te i o n) Low temperature
微温(びおん-bi o n) Lukewarmness, Tepidity


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